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TROY AIKMEN – I worked on an effluent disposal project on Troy's Montecito project. His development company, “Seeing Stars Ltd” is a comment on his many concussions while playing for the Cowboys.


TIM DOHENY – I located and designed a well for the Doheny family and performed a geologic hazards investigation. The Dohenys own a large ranch on the Gaviota Coast with the largest private reservoir in California. I also developed a streamflow model for them which was presented to the State Water Resources Control Board.


JANE FONDA – I developed a new water well at her mountaintop Laurel Springs Ranch. She’s every bit as good looking

in person.


GENE HACKMAN – We drilled a well on Gene's Montecito estate. He’s really a nice guy, seemed unaffected by stardom.


JACK MOREHART – I worked for Jack and the Morehart family on the Naples project for over 15 years. Jack may have been the “most interesting man in the world” long before the guy on the beer commercial.


FESS PARKER - I worked on several of Fess’ projects over the years, from the DoubleTree to the Youth Hostel to his ocean front house. He’s simply the finest man I've ever met.


MICHAEL TOWBES – Mike Towbes, a Princeton graduate, hired me to work on several of his projects. Mike was probably the most successful real estate developer in Santa Barbara County, he owned Bank of Montecito and is a very generous philanthropist. Along with Fess Parker, a true pleasure to work for.



ALISAL RANCH – We developed a streamflow model that predicted the influence of well pumping on the Santa Ynez River flows. This was part of a steelhead habitat preservation effort on Tajiguas Ranch. We developed a streamflow model for this ranch as part of a watershed restoration project intended to restore steelhead habitat.

SANTA BARBARA RANCH - Analysis of streamflow related to instream uses including the feasibility of re-establishing habitat for migratory fish.


THE NATURE CONSERVANCY, SANTA CRUZ ISLAND – I drilled a couple of water supply wells for the Nature Conservancy at the Stanton Ranch, located in the Central Valley of Santa Cruz Island. We brought the drill rig over on a landing craft (see photos in the slide show on the Home Page).


TARA II, MONTECITO – Those of us that worked at this estate signed a confidentiality agreement, so we can’t tell you who we worked for or what we did, but you can Google it and figure it out. We drilled a water well and installed a groundwater monitoring system for her.

CITY OF SANTA BARBARA – We completed a geologic hazards investigation for the City some years ago (a copy of which is included on this website).

MONTECITO WATER DISTRICT - We drilled several wells for MWD and completed a safe yield study of the Montecito Basin. I had the great pleasure of being the Water District's groundwater hydrologist in the early 1980s. The members of the Board of Directors of the District were very well respected in the community, and some of the most intelligent and capable people I ever met. General Henry Mueller was not satisfied with my master's degree, so he gave me a field promotion. The General always addressed me as "Dr. Hoover".

TAJIGUAS RANCH - We performed a safe yield analysis for several ranches along the Goleta/Gaviota Coast, the Tajiguas Ranch was just one. During those studies we monitored water use, water levels, and rainfall for 5 to 10-year time periods.




Registered Geologist, State of California #3373
Certified Engineering Geologist, State of California #977 
Certified Hydrologist, State of California #169

Licensed Geologist, State of Washington #2776

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